Tips to consider when shopping online

The pandemic Corona has made us sit at home and stay safe. It has also increased the number of people buying things online. The great convenience of being able to shop from home, at any time you prefer, together with the ability to compare prices from different sites, make shopping online a wonderful way to avoid typical shopping stress. But, many people don’t know how to buy online in a safe and secure manner.

Online portals like Karout Company warns you about certain things to be considered while shopping online.


Secure WIFI or internet connection

Public networks are easy to browse and comfortable to use, but the truth is that these are usually unreliable. Your personal and bank details can be easily captured by backers and cybercriminals. So, when you shop online or make transactions, use a secure network.

Update and protect your computer

Karout Dahye reports that shopping at online portals needs you to transfer more personal and confidential information. This is why it has been recommended to ensure that your computer is secure, updated and furnished with a reliable antivirus product.

Shop from reliable and popular websites

If you are searching for the best offers, you may be taken to some unreliable and unknown websites. Keep yourself away from them. Ensure that the URL of the site matches where you think it is, and the address start with https. Shopping at reputed and trusted websites like Karout Trading will help you avoid becoming a victim of identity theft or data.

Go through the privacy and return policies

Before you start shopping online, ensure that their privacy policy is easily located and is up to date as well. Imagine that the purchased items are not right up to your benchmark. How can you return it? Privacy policy is a major aspect to consider when shopping online.

Share only necessary personal dataon a secure form

Some online shops may ask you personal data like mobile, place of birth, relative’s name, etc before carrying out the purchase. Don’t provide such details and immediately check whether you are at the right place or not. Tools like virtual keyboard can avoid data theft, particularly if your system is infected with virus spyware.

Avoid links in ads and emails

You may receive offers in emails or ads. Do you think the offer is too good to be true? Emails and ads with amazing offers and discounts are a tool used by cyber criminals. So, avoid phishing.

Check your credit card transactions

When you make online shopping, ensure that all charges on your account are controlled. If you find anything fishy, contact your bank and avoid becoming a victim of identity theft.

There are many online portals like Karout Lebanon for shop from home. You can buy anything and everything from these shops. Karout Toys are known and accepted all over the world. You can shop every necessary item for home at unbeatable price rates. Shop online in a secure manner and enjoy the benefits it offers.


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